Let us discuss three different outlooks to look at and to interact with the world.
The first outlook towards the world is that I am separate from the world and the world is separate and independent from me. This is the most common and prevalent outlook of a person. Let us look into the result of this outlook and hence, the resulting behavior of a person in the world. This outlook creates a strongly individual person with selfishness at its core. Such an individual interacts with the world to take advantage, enjoy, and use the world for his benefit. As long as the world satisfy his demands, it is entertained otherwise, it becomes useless for him. He never trusts the world. He is always insecure and resort to even cruel behavior with the world. He is always in conflict with the world and tries to protect himself from the world and dominate or shy away from the world. He is always tormented by the fire of strong attachment and aversion towards the world. He has to continuously acquire pleasing objects and discard objects of his distaste.
The second outlook towards the world is that the reality or basis of myself is the same basis or reality on which the world is based. Even though, I am, and the world is different but has the same essence or ground being. Such a person is a devotee of Ishvara because of his knowledge of his connection to the totality. This outlook towards the world shows a developed human being. Such a person recognizes that he is a part of the totality versus a standalone entity. He feels protected and trusts the world. He behaves warmly and with intimacy with the world. He has no conflict with the world, but always feels connected and remains in harmony with the world. He moves in the world like a child play in the lap of his mother. He shares happiness with the world and truly loves the world. He overcomes his individual likes, dislikes, and limitations by the love of Ishvara, who is the shared medium between him and the world.
The third outlook towards the world is that the world is nothing, but myself and does not exist apart from me. This is not the outlook, but the fact that a human being can ultimately recognize if he commits to the self-knowledge. Human life reaches to its peak of absolute happiness and immortality for such a liberated person. He sees the world as himself and himself in the world. Wherever he directs his non-dual vision, he sees oneness and happiness. He interacts freely and happily with the world, and the world responds in the same way. He is always ready to do good to all unconditionally, without any obvious reasons. He spontaneously brings and distributes peace, happiness, and love to the world.
The above outlooks of looking and interpreting the world are not merely outlooks, but the development of human life in its knowledge and experience. They are the result of committing to the knowledge of the self.
समं पश्यन्हि सर्वत्र समवस्थितमीश्वरम् |
न हिनस्त्यात्मनात्मानं ततो याति परां गतिम् ||